As a service to member governments, Bi-State Regional Commission staff are available to prepare grant applications as requested. Staff have experience in writing applications for infrastructure including public facilities (e.g. water and sewer), public safety, transportation, recreation and open space, housing rehabilitation, environmental, and economic development projects. Depending on the funding program and application process, staff assistance may require a separate contract.

Bi-State staff can write and administer grants for many types of awarded projects, maintaining compliance with all applicable state and federal guidelines and requirements.

In order for Bi-State staff to best assist with grant applications, the applying member government should be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Proposed project scope and purpose, including target population and explanation of how the project fits within the member government’s goals
  • Detailed project budgets, including estimates/quotes if applicable
  • Budget for most current fiscal year
  • Community’s comprehensive plan and/or mission statement, or documents supporting the project's planning and priority
  • Any other supplementary materials as dictated by the grant application guidelines

Staff also offers assistance in conducting household surveys as needed for applications, particularly for competitive state programs funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which require documentation of benefit to at least 51% low-and moderate-income persons to establish eligibility. Income survey contracts should be scheduled well in advance of application deadlines. These grant programs include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, which is administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) in Illinois and by the Economic Development Authority (IEDA) in Iowa.

Iowa applicants should be registered with, which provides an online grant application and management system as well as a search portal for grant and loan opportunities.