With growth and economic development goals, elected officials and community staff are challenged to meet infrastructure needs, implement land use controls and manage community resources wisely and cost effectively. Bi-State staff can provide assistance with information and resources on comprehensive planning, zoning and subdivision regulation, land use planning, infrastructure and service planning and implementation, annexation studies, etc.
Capital Improvement Programs help prioritize project needs and available funding, and include multiple-year plans to accomplish projects.
American Planning Association (APA) audio conference series on planning issues will be hosted by State Regional Commission for a fifth year.
Future Land Use consolidated for the Quad Cites Metropolitan Area.
Grant Applications are done for infrastructure, public facilities, law enforcement programs, housing rehabilitation, economic development projects, parks, recreation and open space efforts, riverfront enhancements, and solid waste/recycling programs.
Grant Management is done for any type of awarded project, maintaining compliance with all applicable state and federal guidelines and requirements.
Greenway Plans have been completed for several counties in the Bi-State Region, as well as the Quad Cities Metropolitan Area.
Household or Resident Surveys of community needs and demographic characteristics including survey development, distribution, compilation, tabulation and analysis are important for decision-making and grants.
Park and Recreation Planning, either system or master plans, are done on a community-wide or site plan basis.
Planning - Other Programs
- Details
- Category: Bi-State Regional Commission
- Hits: 21177