- Details
- Written by: admin
- Category: Air Quality
- Hits: 42209
Who can participate?
All local governments, businesses and organizations are encouraged to join the Partnership.
Current Partners
Alcoa | John Deere |
Arnold's Body Shop | Mercer County Heath Dept./EMA Office |
Chuck Oestreich, QC TAG | Missman Stanley |
City of Bettendorf | Muscatine County |
City of Davenport | Quad City International Airport |
City of East Moline | Rock Island County |
City of Moline | Scott County |
City of Muscatine | St. John's Lutheran (Rock Island) |
City of Rock Island | United Neighbors Inc. |
Edwards UCC (Davenport) | Waste Commission of Scott County |
Greater Metropolitan Areah Housing Authority of Rock Island County |
What is the Partnership?
In the summer of 2009, after grappling with high levels of ozone and particulate matter (PM 2.5) for several years, the Bi-State Regional Commission Air Quality Task Force suggested that a coalition of private and public entities be formed to tackle air pollution in the region. The resulting Partnership is a voluntary emissions reduction program. The Partnership Pledge consists of a list of activities that organizations can implement to reduce their emissions footprint and help the Bi-State Region remain in attainment.
When should my organization join, and are there deadlines?
Bi-State encourages all local organizations to join NOW. It is never too early to begin improving air quality. Because the Partnership is a voluntary program, there are no deadlines for implementation. We only ask that every organization try to implement one activity in each air quality category. Bi-State will check back with Partners in one year to see what goals were accomplished and provide resources to help organizations overcome obstacles for harder-to-implement activities.
Where is the Partnership located?
The Partnership is a collaboration between public and private organizations in the Bi-State Region- Scott, Muscatine, Henry, Rock Island and Mercer Counties in Iowa and Illinois. The Partnership is facilitated by the Bi-State Regional Commission located in the Rock Island County Building. More information on Bi-State Regional Commission can be found at www.bistateonline.org.
Why does the Bi-State Region need a Partnership, and why should my organization join?
Since Fall 1998, the Bi-State Region has been alerted by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IADNR) and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (ILEPA) that the metropolitan area and small urban communities such as Muscatine, Iowa have experienced a few days where air quality levels in the atmosphere have been considered unhealthy. Although the general air quality in the Bi-State Region is considered good by many of the standards for pollutants, National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone are under consideration for revisions based on health considerations. It is this health-based threshold that concern area officials and the state agencies. Slipping into non-attainment for ozone or other criterea pollutants could mean more stringent regulations and loss of economic opportunities.
Joining the Partnership will highlight and bring to the attention of consumers and constituents, businesses and organizations that are making an effort to improve the air quality in our communities and beyond. Every reduction in pollution will increase economic opportunities as the buffer between the region’s emission levels and non-attainment is increased. Partners that accomplish reduction activity goals will be featured on the Partnership website and in advertising and will have access to resources to help their organization achieve set goals.
How does my organization join?
Fill out the Bi-State Region Partnership Checklist and Pledge:
Bi State Region Clean Air Pledge.pdf (196.06 kB)
and return to:
Mailing Address:
Bi-State Regional Commission
1504 Third Avenue, Third Floor
Rock Island, IL 61201
Fax: Bi-State Regional Commission; (309) 793-6305
Clean Air Partnership Newsletters
2014-12-cap-newsletter.pdf (509.46 kB)
CAP Newsletter 12-11.pdf (382.19 kB)
Newsletter-12-2009.pdf (442.45 kB)
Newsletter-12-2010.pdf (430.74 kB)
- Details
- Category: Air Quality
- Hits: 25568
The Task Force was established to help reduce emissions produced by transportation, industry, business and residential sources. Bi-State staffs the Task Force is an advisory group to Bi-State Regional Commission’s delegated transportation authorities. The Task Force meets bimonthly to monitor and look for opportunities for voluntary emission reduction coordination and public education.
Formation & Composition
- Subcommittee of Quad Cities Urban and Region 9 Transportation Policy Committee
- Formed in Fall 1998
- Composed of:
- Local City Engineers/Public Works Officials/Transit
- Chambers of Commerce Representatives
- Quad City Development Group Staff
- Representatives of Major Industries
- State Agencies' Staff - IADNR, ILEPA, DOTs, IDED, DCEO
- Interstate RC&D Council and QCCA
- Education Representatives
- Interested Citizens
Mission (Approved 8/10/07)
- To maintain attainment for National Ambient Air Quality Standards through voluntary emission reduction measures;
- To provide for communication between public and private entities on these voluntary emission reduction measures by sharing experiences and knowledge; and
- To support individual and group voluntary measures/activities such as public education, and mobile/stationary source reduction initiatives.
- "Aware of Air" Brochure - 255,000 printed
- "Aware of Air" Website
- Alternatives Fuels Workshop - Fall ‘99
- Consumer Awareness Survey - Spring/Fall ‘99
- "It all adds up to cleaner air" Newspaper ads - July/August '01
- Ozone Flex Program letter of intent - December '01
- Midwest Transportation Planning Conference (Air Quality Session) - May ‘01
- National Conference on Ozone Action Programs-December ‘99
- Bi-State Region Air Quality Task Force - Ongoing
- Teacher Training Workshop - Fall ‘00
- Transportation Policy Committee, Green Fleets - June ‘01
- Travel Demand Management Info. for Major Employers -May ‘00
- Voluntary Ozone Consortium by USEPA VII - Ongoing
- “Aware of Air” Speakers Bureau Initiated – Spring 2003
- Voluntary Ozone Reduction Measures Fact Sheet (10,000) and Summary (2,500) – April 2005
- Business/Government Emission Reduction Outreach – May/December 2004
- Multi-media Emission Reduction Campaigns – 2003/2004
- “It all adds up to cleaner air” Spotlighted Community – August 2000
- Transit Marketing and Emissions Reduction Campaigns 2005-2006, 2007-2008
- Bi-State Clean Air Partnership Campaign 2009-2011, includes Fall 2009 Air Quality Summit
- Making Air Quality Visible Strategic Planning Effort 2010-2011
- 2007-2010 Ozone Design Value at 63 ppb in Iowa QC (3-year average of 4th highest value)
- 2007-2010 PM2.5 Design Value at 33 ug/m3 in Iowa QC (3-year average of 98th percentile)
- 2009-2011 Ozone Design Value at 65 ppb in Iowa QC (3-year average of 4th highest value) and 56 ppb in Illinois QC
- 2009-2011 PM2.5 Design Value at 31 ug/m3 in Iowa QC (3-year average of 98th percentile), 35 ug/m3 in Muscatine and 22 ug/m3 in Illinois QC