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- Written by: admin
- Category: LRTP and PMs
- Hits: 24865
The Quad Cities Metro LRTP (Long Range Transportation Plan) serves a variety of purposes: to move forward the regional vision, to guide future project development, and to identify needs for coordination and cooperation related to our transportation network. The plan identifies future travel demand and freight needs. It also looks at the current transportation system's ability to meet these demands and identifies what improvements will be needed to address future demand. As projects are identified, they are then directed through the short-range planning and programming process to ultimate implementation or construction.
2050 Plan
The plan was adopted on March 24, 2021 by Bi-State Regional Commission meeting. The 2050 plan uses a base-year of 2015 and outlines transportation improvements anticipated through the horizon-years of 2030 and 2050. The benefit of updating a plan every five years is the opportunity to either maintain course on larger long-term projects, refine our direction on other projects, or take a new course due to changes in the metropolitan area, funding resources, or technology innovations. The plan's underlying theme is progress, innovation, and connectivity as our Quad Cities Region moves transportation plans into reality.
A summary presentation of the plan provides an overview below as part of the plan adoption process. After adoption, Bi-State staff begins to prepare for the next five-year plan update. Staff collaborates with local and state governments to transition projects identified in the plan from the concept stage to implementation, taking into account local and state priorities as well as funding availability.
2055 Plan Update
The Quad Cities MPO Long Range Transportation Plan is updated on a five-year cycle. Work to update the plan is underway. From a base year of 2023, the plan considers the horizon years of 2035 and 2055. Between December 2024 and March 2026, Bi-State Regional Commission will prepare plan updates and present information to the Quad Cities MPO Technical and Policy Committees. Public involvement will occur during that process. This webpage will be site for updates, media releases and other opportunities for public involvement.
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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: LRTP and PMs
- Hits: 1462
Performance Management is a systematic approach to making investment and strategic decisions using information about the condition and performance of the system and developing an approach to achieve a desired set of national goals. The national performance goals are:
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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: LRTP and PMs
- Hits: 1088
The Public Participation Plans for the MPA and Region 9 are included in key transportation documents as part of appendices to assure that the participation process is clearly communicated with each planning effort.
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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: LRTP and PMs
- Hits: 19308
Bi-State Regional Commission conducted a survey of more than 1,700 households in the Quad Cities from September 2013 to January 2014. There were 4,100 people and 3,523 vehicles participating in the survey. This represented over 13,803 trips in the sample. Fifty-eight percent of the households reported crossing the Mississippi River at least once per week.
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- Written by: interGen support
- Category: LRTP and PMs
- Hits: 1477
Quad Cities Iowa/Illinois MPO Extreme Weather and Transportation Resilience Report (2020) is 1 of 11 pilots funded by Federal Highway Administration between 2018-2020 to look at extreme weather in relation to transportation system vulnerability, and assess critical facilities and impacts of extreme weather on the Quad Cities transportation system.
Quad Cities Iowa/Illinois MPO Extreme Weather and Transportation Resilience Report, September 2020
(19.09 MB)