The Region 9 Transportation Planning Work Program and Other Certifications/Assurances is a document required by the Iowa DOT for regional planning organizations (RPOs) which receive federal transportation planning funds. A Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP) is prepared by Bi-State annually to outline staff activities related to regional transportation planning. The Work Program serves to: clarify coordination among many units of government; establish continuing, comprehensive and cooperative areawide planning in the Bi-State region; assist in development of budgets for transportation planning activities and preparation of planning fund requests; delineate requirements for various agencies involved in transportation planning efforts; and establish products, purposes and general methods to be employed in the completion of specific transportation work tasks. TPWPs are prepared on a fiscal year basis (July 1 to June 30) for the Region 9 transportation planning area.

pdf Transportation Planning Work Program for the Region 9 Area FY 2024 (1.70 MB)
Transportation Planning Work Program FY 2024 (Region 9 Scott and Muscatine Counties, Iowa) Final May 2023

pdf Transportation Planning Work Program for the Region 9 Area FY 2025
(2.73 MB)
Transportation Planning Work Program FY 2025 (Region 9 Scott and Muscatine Counties, Iowa) Final May 2024