1. Contact us with a description of the map/document you wish to receive or call 1.309.793.6300
  2. Send check or money order to: (payment required prior to shipping)
    Attn.: Map/Document Orders
    P.O. Box 3368
    Rock Island, IL 61204-3368

    Please include the following information:
    Your full name, address, phone number & map(s) you are ordering.
  3. Please add shipping and handling charges:
    Orders totaling $  0.00 - $14.00 = add $ 2.00
    Orders totaling $15.00 - $29.00 = add $ 3.50
    Orders totaling $30.00 - $44.00 = add $ 5.00

    Add $10.00 to have map shipped in a tube.

    2009 Quad Cities Metropolitan Area Street Map (Wall Size)
    Average Daily Traffic Count Map (Wall Size)

Note: All maps and documents are available for purchase at the Bi-State Regional Commission offices.