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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: Other Plans
- Hits: 3257
Bi-State Regional Commission under its transportation planning role completed the first Bi-State Region Freight Plan in September 2015. The regional transportation network moves people as well as goods and services. The Freight Plan looks at the different modes used to move freight – air, water and surface transportation via roads and rail, and offers recommendations for improvements of the system. The plan compliments the then state freight plans and provides regional goals and objectives to address the economy and demand, safety, mobility and access, asset conditions and impacts on the environment and those living near freight facilities.
An addendum for the plan was completed in March 2024 to revisit the data in the 2015 plan. The update refined goals, objectives and indicators as well as cross-referenced state plan updates. Data collection will inform the degree the system needs are being met and whether there are any new or revised recommendations the region may consider for the future as part of long range planning. The final report is posted to this page.
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Other Plans
- Hits: 28517
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture describes a plan for implementing electronic technologies, communication and other system advances to improve transportation system operations. ITS may include telephone systems or social media to disseminate traveler information, freight weigh-in-motion data collection or road condition detection, or dynamic message signs for real-time travel information, as examples of ITS uses. The Bi-State Region ITS Architecture Plan was first adopted in April 2005 and is updated periodically to address changes in technology and deployment within the Bi-State Region. The plan discusses deploying ITS technologies within the Bi-State Region for a ten year period, including additional dynamic message signs, automated vehicle locator systems for transit, among other technologies.
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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: Other Plans
- Hits: 20406
Quad Cities Metro Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP) and Other Certifications/Assurances are documents required by the U.S.DOT for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) that receive federal transportation planning funds to fulfil federal transportation planning requirements. A Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP) is prepared by Bi-State Regional Commission annually. It outlines staff activities and work products related to metropolitan transportation planning. The Work Program serves to: clarify coordination among many units of government; establish continuing, comprehensive and cooperative areawide planning in the Bi-State Region and more specifically the Quad Cities Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA); assist in development of budgets for transportation planning activities and preparation of planning fund requests; delineate requirements for various agencies involved in transportation planning efforts; and establish products, purposes and general methods to be employed in the completion of specific transportation work tasks. TPWP is prepared on a fiscal year basis (July 1 to June 30) for the metropolitan area.
Transportation Planning Work Program for the Quad Cities Iowa/Illinois Metropolitan Planning Area FY2025
(3.48 MB)
Transportation Planning Work Program FY 2025 (Quad Cities Metro Area) Final May 2024
Quad Cities MPO Cooperative Transportation Planning Agreement and Related Documents and Executed Agreements
Quad Cities MPO Cooperative Agreement Documentation
(4.29 MB)
As part of the transportation planning activities, there may be certifications and/or assurances associated with these activities. For direct Department of Transportation (DOT)-assisted planning projects of $250,000 or more, Bi-State is required to establish in accordance with U.S. DOT, 49 CFR Part 26, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program. For FFY04, Bi-State received a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5309 New Starts Grant of $297,004 to study the feasibility of transit alternatives in the Iowa Quad Cities. This project met the DBE program threshold and a DBE Program plan has been developed to establish goals for providing contracting opportunities to disadvantaged business enterprises. The overall program goal indicates that 0.7% of federal DOT-assisted contracts are expected to be expended by DBE eligible firms. A copy of the Bi-State DBE Program for the FFY04 grant is provided below in a downloadable format.
dis-bus-ent-pro.pdf (1.28 MB)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
Title VI and Non-Discrimination Policy
Bi-State Regional Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The Title VI document provides information on programs and activities that are federally funded and where efforts are made to deliver those programs in a non-discriminatory way. If a citizen or interested party feels there are grounds for complaints related to Title VI where discrimination has occurred, the policy outlines procedures to submit a complaint. Title VI complaints must be filed within 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination.
Title VI Program and Non-Discrimination Policy 2021
Title VI for Planning Agencies 2021
(3.80 MB)
The following information is necessary to assist us in processing your complaint. If you require any assistance in completing this form, please contact the Title VI Coordinator by calling (309) 793-6300. The completed form must be returned to the Bi-State Regional Commission, 1504 Third Avenue, Third Floor, Rock Island, Illinois 61201. Faxed, e-mailed, or electronically-transmitted forms are not accepted. Hand delivery is recommended to ensure that the complaint is filed within the statutory deadline.
pdf Title VI Complaint Form - English (268 KB)
Bi-State Regional Commission está obligado a asegurar que ninguna persona sea excluída de participar en o se le niegan beneficios a sus servicios en báse a raza, color, origen nacional, como protegidos por el Titulo VI de los Derechos Civiles del Acta de 1964 como amendados (“Titulo VI”).
Bi-State Regional Commission está dispuesto a asegurar que acualquier persona sea excluída de tener una participación en o negada de beneficios a los servicios en báse a raza, color, u origen nacional, como son proveídos por el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964, como amendados. Las quejas correspondientes al Título VI deberán ser registradas dentro de los 180 dias a partir de la fecha de la queja alegada correspondiente a una descriminación.
La siguiente información es necesaria para asistirlos a procesar su queja. Si usted requiere alguna ayuda en completar este formulario, pónganse en contacto con el Coordinador del Titulo VI al llamar al (309)793-6300. El formulario completo deberá ser devuelto al Bi-State Regional Commission, 1504 Third Avenue, Third Floor, Rock Island, Illinois 61201. No se aceptan formularios que son enviados por fax, correo electrónico o diferentes transmiciones. Se recomienda que éstos sean entregados personalmente para asi asegurar que la entrega ha sido hecha dentro de los limites de plazo de cierre estatuatorio.