Quad Cities Metropolitan Planning Organization

Transportation Planning for the Davenport, IA/IL Urbanized Area

credit: Chong Qing Wu


  • Quad Cities MPO News

    The MPO Transportation Policy Committee meeting is set for noon Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at the Rock Island County Office Building, 1504 Third Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois.  

    Meeting agendas, minutes, and full packets can also be accessed here. The full packet is also below.

    As a courtesy, please contact Gena McCullough (309)793-6300 Ext.1146 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to indicate your attendance prior to the meeting.

    pdf 2025-03-25-qctpc-packet.pdf (1004 KB)

    Traffic Safety Action Plan: Quad Cities, Kewanee and Muscatine
    A Traffic Safety Action Plan is underway for Quad Cities, Kewanee and Muscatine. The public is invited to comment by form or interactive map. More information on the traffic safety planning pagetraffic safety planning page.

    pdf Traffic Safety Action Plan Media Release, July 2024 (99 KB)

    Read more …

  • Long Range Transportation Plan Update

    The Quad Cities MPO Long Range Transportation Plan is updated on a five-year cycle. Work to update the plan is underway. From a base year of 2023, the plan considers the horizon years of 2035 and 2055. Between December 2024 and March 2026, Bi-State Regional Commission will prepare plan updates and present information to the Quad Cities MPO Technical and Policy Committees. Public involvement will occur during that process.

    Visit our MPO LRTP page for Thrive 2055 QC LRTP plan updates, media releases, and opportunities for public involvement.

    The Quad Cities Metro LRTP (Long Range Transportation Plan) serves a variety of purposes: to move forward the regional vision, to guide future project development, and to identify needs for coordination and cooperation related to our transportation network. The plan identifies future travel demand and freight needs. It also looks at the current transportation system's ability to meet these demands and identifies what improvements will be needed to address future demand. As projects are identified, they are then directed through the short-range planning and programming process to ultimate implementation or construction. 



  • Thrive 2055: Quad Cities Long Range Transportation Plan MPO

    BHQC Logo with Skip

    Click here to learn more about the Thrive 2055 Long Range Transportation Plan update

    Attend public input sessions on February 12, 13, and 20:  pdf 2055 LRTP Public Survey Media Release January 2025 (139 KB)

    Take the online public input survey


Quad Cities Metro Transportation Planning
Bi-State Regional Commission is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Davenport IA-IL urbanized area.  Bi-State staff prepare transportation plans for the urbanized area, commonly known as the Quad Cities, Iowa/Illinois. Transportation planning in the urban area is a coordinated and continuing process.  Its purpose is to assist communities in the implementation of transportation improvements, both short and long term. This type of planning is required before federal funds can be spent on transportation projects – streets, public transit, or bicycle facilities. Planning before implementation has the added benefit of providing a technical means of prioritizing transportation needs and aligning these priorities with available funding. Roadways, transit, railroads, waterways, airports, trails and intermodal facilities are all considered in the planning process. Local, state, and federal jurisdictions work together with support from Bi-State staff to develop planning and programming recommendations for transportation improvements. In the Quad Cities Urbanized Area, recommendations are considered by the Transportation Policy Committee composed of chief elected officials of cities and counties, Illinois and Iowa State Departments of Transportation, and the Illinois Quad Cities transit district.

Quad Cities MPO Transportation Policy Committee
In the interest of effective and efficient functioning of the Bi-State Regional Commission, delegated authority groups have been established from time to time by the Commission to expedite specific business and planning activities.  The Commission has established specific guidelines or limits within the delegated authority groups.  The Transportation Policy Committee is responsible for transportation planning and programming for the Davenport, IA/IL Urbanized Area.  Refer to the Meetings menu for Transportation Policy Committee meetings’ calendar of dates, times and location.
Membership – Membership is as follows:
County Board Chair, Rock Island County, Illinois
County Board Chair, Scott County, Iowa
Mayor, City of Bettendorf, Iowa*
Mayor, City of Davenport, Iowa*
Mayor, City of East Moline, Illinois
Mayor, City of Moline, Illinois
Mayor, City of Rock Island, Illinois
Region Engineer, Illinois Department of Transportation
District Planner, Iowa Department of Transportation
Two Aldermen, City of Davenport
Board Chair, Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District (Metro)
Caucused “chief elected official,” Iowa-side small communities
Caucused “chief elected official,” Illinois-side small communities
Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration – Iowa Division (ex-officio, non-voting)
Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration – Illinois Division (ex-officio, non-voting)
Administrator, Federal Transit Administration – Region VII Division (ex-officio, non-voting)
*Respective mayors represent transit interests of Bettendorf Transit and Davenport CitiBus


Refer to the Meetings menu on the above navigation bar for the Transportation Policy Committee meeting page including a calendar of dates, times, and location, and for agendas and minutes.

Quad Cities MPO Technical and Advisory Committees
Technical and advisory committees work to assist the Commission and its delegated authority groups, such as the Transportation Policy Committee, in each of its major planning efforts.  The committees are composed of local citizens and city, county, state, and federal technical personnel concerned with daily operations affected by any plans developed.  The technical committees are responsible for technical review and guidance of data collection and analysis, plan preparation, and plan review and update functions.  Technical and advisory committees that assist the Transportation Policy Committee include the Transportation Technical Committee, Bi-State Regional Trails Committee, Bi-State Technology and Safety Technical Committee, the Regional Transit Interest and Advisory Group, the Bi-State Region Air Quality Task Force, and the Regional Transportation Advisory Group.  Refer to the Meetings menu for a calendar of meeting dates, times and locations for these groups.

Refer to the Meetings menu on the above navigation bar for the Transportation Technical Committee meeting page including a calendar of dates, times, and location, and for agendas and minutes.

Title VI Program and Non-Discrimination Policy

Click to View Title VI Program and Non-Discrimination Policy

Notificación de los Derechos para el Público Bajo Titulo VI


Quad Cities Strategic Traffic Safety Plan
The Quad Cities Strategic Traffic Safety Plan is a comprehensive analysis of the crashes across the Quad Cities that offers strategic solutions to reduce fatalities and serious injuries related to the types of crashes we have.

pdf QC Strategic Traffic Safety Plan 2020 (5.14 MB)