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- Written by: admin
- Category: Iowa Region 9
- Hits: 28395
The Region 9 LRTP (Long Range Transportation Plan) serves a variety of purposes for the Muscatine County and Rural Scott County planning area. It forecasts future travel demand and freight needs. It also analyzes the current transportation system's ability to meet these demands and identifies what improvements will be needed to address excess demand. As projects are identified, they are then directed through the short-range planning and programming process to ultimate implementation or construction. The plan is updated every five years with the next update recently adopted in January 2021. Information regarding the current plan update process can be found below.
The Region 9 Long Range Transportation Plan identifies the needs within rural Scott County and all of Muscatine County in Iowa. The plan examines transportation goals and needs related to roads, highways, transit, pedestrians, bicycles, rail, and other intermodal transportation needs. The plan presents future projects that are financially attainable and outlines general revenues that may be available.
Iowa Region 9 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan was completed and adopted in January 2021. This update process involved reviewing the adopted LRTP, collecting input from public and private stakeholders, and vetting input and updates through the Region 9 Transportation Technical and Policy Committees.
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Las personas que requieren adaptaciones lingüísticas deben notificar al personal de Bi-State al menos 24 horas antes de realizar la encuesta. Llame al (309)793-6300 para solicitar asistencia con la traducción de idiomas.
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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: Iowa Region 9
- Hits: 16375
The Region 9 Transportation Planning Work Program and Other Certifications/Assurances is a document required by the Iowa DOT for regional planning organizations (RPOs) which receive federal transportation planning funds. A Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP) is prepared by Bi-State annually to outline staff activities related to regional transportation planning. The Work Program serves to: clarify coordination among many units of government; establish continuing, comprehensive and cooperative areawide planning in the Bi-State region; assist in development of budgets for transportation planning activities and preparation of planning fund requests; delineate requirements for various agencies involved in transportation planning efforts; and establish products, purposes and general methods to be employed in the completion of specific transportation work tasks. TPWPs are prepared on a fiscal year basis (July 1 to June 30) for the Region 9 transportation planning area.
Transportation Planning Work Program for the Region 9 Area FY 2025
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Transportation Planning Work Program FY 2025 (Region 9 Scott and Muscatine Counties, Iowa) Final May 2024
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- Written by: Sarah Grabowski
- Category: Iowa Region 9
- Hits: 17797
Iowa Region 9 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Rural Scott County and Muscatine County, Iowa
The goal of transportation planning in Region 9 is to develop a transportation system that will provide for the safe, efficient, and economical movement of people and goods in a manner that encourages harmonious community interaction and enhances the aesthetic and ecological features of our physical environment.
The Region 9 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a result of a comprehensive, coordinated, and continuing transportation planning process. The program is divided into two primary sections, the first containing the street/highway improvement projects including enhancement projects, and the second incorporating the public transit improvement projects.
Project priority is given to the Annual Element of the TIP. Projects in any of the annual elements can be moved from one year to another with a minor revision to this document due to changes in needs. There are adequate federal funds to conduct the program outlined in the initial annual element. Projects in future annual elements are financially feasible, based on expected federal funds to be made available to the region for programming, or are listed as placeholders prior to the ranking process.
Programming is the transition of projects from planning and design to construction/ implementation. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a listing of those roadway, public transit and other related transportation projects that are expected to be initiated during the current federal fiscal year and the next three subsequent federal fiscal years, and will be financed in whole or in part with federal funds in the Region 9 area. The Region 9 area includes all of Muscatine County and the non-urban portions of Scott County. Listed are transportation improvements receiving federal funding, as outlined in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The federally-funded projects address general needs outlined in the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Region 9 Area.
Funding Projects
Region 9 receives annual allocations of Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) funds, and typically conducts solicitations every two years for each fund. The call for projects follows the Region 9 public participation plan process, found in the appendix of the TIP. The Region 9 Transportation Policy Committee is responsible for programming these funds, and programmed projects are expected to appear in the TIP as these are federal funds passed down through the state to Region 9 for programming. Evaluation manuals outline the solicitation process.
Surface Transportation Block Grants are awarded to road projects that improve the conditions and performance of public roads. Jurisdictions in Region 9 can apply for STBG funds for roads classified as major collector or above. STBG funds also allow for transit and trail improvements.
The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) is a subprogram under STBG, and funds projects improving travel conditions for bicycle and pedestrian transportation. Eligible projects include on-road and off-road bicycle and pedestrian facilities, as well as preservation of historic transportation facilities, safe routes to school projects, and other select categories. In Iowa, the program is also reference to as Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).