Bi-State Regional Commission

A Forum for Inter-governmental Coorperation and Delivery of Regional Programs


  • Grant Updates

    Federally, local governments can check the following link for the latest federal discretionary grants: USDOT Key Notices of Funding Opportunity.  Federal grants require registration in, and EUI-Entity Identifier, a 12-character unique number assigned to all entities who must register to do business with the federal government in SAM-System for Award Management.  If you are considering a federal grant, it will be important to have an EUI and be registered in SAM.

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  • Quad Cities MPO News

    The MPO Transportation Policy Committee meeting is set for noon Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at the Rock Island County Office Building, 1504 Third Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois.  

    Meeting agendas, minutes, and full packets can also be accessed here. The full packet is also below.

    As a courtesy, please contact Gena McCullough (309)793-6300 Ext.1146 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to indicate your attendance prior to the meeting.

    pdf 2024-12-03-qctpc-packet.pdf (560 KB)


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  • Quad City Health Initiative

    BHQC Logo with Skip

    The Quad City Health Initiative (QCHI) was formed in 1999 and a cross-community partnerships to create a healthy community. The 2021 Vision states: “The Quad Cities region is united as one vibrant, diverse, collaborative community with engaged citizens, safe, thriving neighborhoods, and equitable and inclusive access and opportunities for overall health and social well-being.” 

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Parks and recreation are important to quality of life in the Bi-State Region.  These public facilities offer opportunities for exercise, recreation and relaxation as components to public health.  The built environment affects health, either positively or negatively.  Healthy community planning examines how we incorporate healthy, positive lifestyle options into our region through facilities, programs, or services.  Community plans that include sidewalks, bicycle paths, parks, and open space provide the foundation for healthier citizens.  Bi-State Regional Commission can assist members with parks and recreation master plans, site concepts and grant applications to expand or enhance park and trails facilities.

Greenway Planning provides area or county-level plans to establish a system of open space corridors, either for active use (trails, scenic byways, etc.) or passive use (wildlife/plant preservation, floodplain management, erosion control, water quality improvement, etc.).

Safe Routes to Schools Planning provides school-level plans to identify barriers and solutions to increase the number of kids who walk or bicycle to a school.

Park and Recreation Planning includes either system or master plans on a community-wide or site plan basis.

Regional Conservation Directory is a directory of federal and state environmental, conservation and natural resource agencies and includes various citizen advocacy references. Available for purchase. General Technical Assistance and Special Studies.

Other Healthy Initiatives include partnering with the Quad City Health Initiative for Be Healthy QC to create a culture of wellness that supports healthy eating and active living.  The goal is to increase the percentage of adults and children who are at a healthy weight through worksite wellness programs/policies, comprehensive school wellness policies, nutrition and physical activity for children 0-5 years, improvements to the built environment, increased access to healthy foods, and an overall health promotion campaign.

Mission Statement

A local, voluntary organization of five counties and 47 municipalities. We serve as a forum for intergovernmental cooperation and delivery of regional programs and to assist member local governments in planning and project development.