Data Services Staff compiles, maintains, and monitors a variety of current and historical data related to educational attainment and school enrollment for various geographies at local, regional, state, and national levels.
Educational Attainment is available through the U.S. Census Bureau, decennial Census (historical) and American Community Survey. To access educational attainment data for the Region, please see the Data Clearinghouse page. Or, to access multiple data sets and/or multiple geographies within the Nation, such as census blocks, tracts, voting districts, cities, counties and school districts, visit the Census’ American Factfinder: or contact our Data Services Staff.
School Enrollment is available through the Illinois and Iowa State Boards of Education. To access school enrollment data for the Region, please see the Data Clearinghouse page. Or, to access multiple data sets for various school districts in the region, visit the following websites:
Illinois Interactive Report Card
Illinois State Board of Education website
Iowa Department of Education – Education Statistics (Enrollment)
Or contact our Data Services Staff.
Education Data
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- Category: Data Resources
- Hits: 16850