Bi-State Regional Commission

A Forum for Inter-governmental Cooperation and Delivery of Regional Programs


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Welcome to, the only web address you need to remember for Quad Cities Area public transportation!
In the urbanized area, Bettendorf Transit, Davenport CitiBus, and Rock Island County’s Metro work together to provide dependable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly fixed-route public transportation.  In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, each of these systems also offer service options for individuals with disabilities. In the Iowa Quad Cities, these paratransit services are provided through city contracts with River Bend Transit. Outside of the urbanized area, individuals can access public transportation via Henry County Public Transportation, MuscaBus (City of Muscatine), RIM Rural Transit (Mercer and Rock Island Counties), or River Bend Transit (Cedar, Clinton, Muscatine, & Scott Counties).

What Route do I choose?
For detailed information, you can browse through the individual transit system websites, request a system Rider’s Guide, and/or call the appropriate transit system for assistance in planning your trip. The customer service number for all three fixed-route public transit systems is (309)788-3360.

Call (309) 793-6300 to contact the HSTP Coordinator regarding questions about mobility issues.

Mission Statement

A local, voluntary organization of five counties and 47 municipalities. We serve as a forum for intergovernmental cooperation and delivery of regional programs and to assist member local governments in planning and project development.