Bi-State Regional Commission

A Forum for Inter-governmental Cooperation and Delivery of Regional Programs


The Quad Cities Metro LRTP (Long Range Transportation Plan) serves a variety of purposes: to move forward the regional vision, to guide future project development, and to identify needs for coordination and cooperation related to our transportation network. The plan identifies future travel demand and freight needs. It also looks at the current transportation system's ability to meet these demands and identifies what improvements will be needed to address future demand.As projects are identified, they are then directed through the short-range planning and programming process to ultimate implementation or construction.

2055 Plan Update

The Quad Cities MPO Long Range Transportation Plan is updated on a five-year cycle. Work to update the plan is underway. From a base year of 2023, the plan considers the horizon years of 2035 and 2055. Between December 2024 and March 2026, Bi-State Regional Commission will prepare plan updates and present information to the Quad Cities MPO Technical and Policy Committees. Public involvement will occur during that process.

Visit our MPO LRTP page for Thrive 2055 QC LRTP plan updates, media releases, and opportunities for public involvement.

 LRTP Thrive2055 LogoLg

Mission Statement

A local, voluntary organization of five counties and 47 municipalities. We serve as a forum for intergovernmental cooperation and delivery of regional programs and to assist member local governments in planning and project development.